For questions about the SW MT Flood Relief Fund: visit: pccf-montana.org, greatergallatinuntitedway.org, or yellowstonecommunityfund.org. Call: 406-587-2194. Email: disaster@greatergallatinuntitedway.org
Click Here for a List of Area Resources
Fund Allocation:
The SW MT Flood Relief Fund is co-managed by Greater Gallatin United Way and Park County Community Foundation, with support from the Yellowstone Community Fund. Allocation decisions are made by the SW MT Flood Relief Fund Donation Steering Group via recommendations from trained case managers.
SW MT Flood Relief Fund Donation Steering Group:
- Seabring Davis, Livingston/Paradise Valley
- Jim Halfpenny, Gardiner
- Samantha Pierce, Livingston
- Donna Rowland, Cooke City
- Victoria Schilling, Shields Valley
- Tom Shellenberg, Livingston
- Tim Stevens, Livingston
- Gavin Clark, Park County Community Foundation
- George Haddenhorst, Greater Gallatin United Way
- Megan Castle, Greater Gallatin United Way