

Leveraging the Power of Policy

Thursday, January 19, 2023
11:30 am1:00 pm


Nonprofits have long been the voice of the people they represent, often accomplishing results that may not have happened otherwise. We have more power than we know sometimes; understanding how to use that power for good, and in the most effective ways, is essential to the success of your nonprofit's organizational mission.

Join us as we consider the role of 501(c)3s in advocacy. How do we as nonprofit leaders understand and engage in shaping policy? How do we generate support for policies that serve our constituents? And how do we speak up for the needs of our communities - needs that mean so much to those who live and work in Park County and surrounding areas?

As Montana enters its 2023 legislative session which begins on Monday, January 2nd, Dean’s training is especially timely. We’ll come away with a better understanding of the following, and more:

*Why nonprofits should get more involved in policy
*How to identify and track the status of legislation that is impacting your organizational missions
*How to decide what level of resources to devote to political advocacy
*How to accomplish all this while following the regulations that establish what political activities are allowed for nonprofits

About the Presenter:
Dean is a happy, wind-tossed resident of Livingston, and currently serves as the Economic Development Director and Livingston Office Manager at HRDC, the social service and community action agency. Dean has extensive experience as a Non-Profit leader advocating on behalf of the communities he serves and addressing the issues they face.

Previously, Dean worked mainly as a teacher and a farmer. He taught at Bozeman High School and Montana State University and was a vegetable farmer in Belgrade for many years (he started and ran Three Hearts Farm and Root Cellar Foods). Dean has an expansive education, including a degree in creative writing and a doctorate in Native American studies.

In his free time, Dean takes advantage of the outdoors by skiing, backpacking, paddling, and biking. Some of his favorite spots include the Beartooths, the Bob Marshall Wilderness, and Yellowstone National Park.

"My commitment is to place, and I feel genuinely lucky to call this place home. I firmly believe in the dignity of all people, our friends and neighbors, and in the power we each have to live the lives we dream. It's been a rough few years but I remain dedicated to supporting our beautiful community and region.” ~ Dean Williamson