

Understanding the Community Building Life Cycle

Thursday, December 8, 2022
11:30 am1:00 pm

Our sector has no shortage of tools and techniques that can be used to amplify our efforts, and there's a good chance that you've used many of them through the course of your work. Things like focus groups, strategic plans, evaluations, needs assessments and advisory councils are important to delivering our missions, but understanding the sequencing of these tools, along with a philosophical relationship between them, is of equal importance. During this session we will explore the Community Building Lifecycle in order to enhance our understanding of working with the community and bring additional intention and strategy to our work. 

About the Presenter:
Shannon Stober, Jump Start Training and Development founder, is a nationally recognized trainer in facilitative leadership, community building, and volunteerism. Each year she engages hundreds of individuals from a variety of sectors through high-powered workshops, retreats, speaking engagements, and coaching activities. Shannon is also a skilled strategist and consultant, with an extensive background in community building and the development of program theory.  Shannon completed two terms of service as an AmeriCorps *VISTA and went on to serve as the Statewide Training Officer for the Governor’s Office of Community Service. She also served as a Program Manager for Montana Campus Compact and invested eight years working with Montana Conservation Corps, earning the title of Director of Programs. She is known for her positive energy, strength of character, and humor.