A Bird's Eye View of Successful Grants Funding
This workshop is intended to provide a quick and dirty overview of everything involved with writing grants. By taking a “a birds eye view” approach — touching on everything from dreaming up your big project to clicking “submit” on your final report — our goal is to demystify the grant writing process. By the end of this short workshop, Nico will empower you to speak passionately about your organization, compile meticulous attachments, and craft persuasive arguments for your projects such that funders will have no choice but to say yes.
Nico Wood Kos is a self-taught grant writer with more than 40 successful applications to her credit. Nico has written grants to proposals universities, nonprofit groups, philanthropic organizations, and government agencies. She was proud to be awarded her first federal grant this year. Nico chairs the grants committee for Electric Peak Arts Council and oversees the evaluation and distribution of grants by North Yellowstone Education Foundation’s Connect! Grants program. When she is not writing grants, she works as an interpretive park ranger, professional storyteller, and mom of two young girls. She lives in Yellowstone National Park with her family.