Grant Writing Tips from a Grant Maker

To kick off a new year of grant writing, please join us for a “peek behind the curtain” at the grantmaking process.
Many grant writing clinics focus on checklists of items to assemble before you begin, or on creating boilerplate language for use in every application. Those are certainly helpful tools.
But this session goes beyond the basics to give you a "backstage pass" to see how decisions are made and how the grant-making process is informed by years of grant-seeking and grant-writing experience.
Join Barb Oldershaw, Program Director, and Tim Stevens, Vice-chair of the Program Committee, as they share what grantmakers are looking for, how to build relationships with potential funders, and what to expect in this year's We Will grant cycle.
Three things you’ll learn:
1. Which documents you should have at hand before you start writing your grant.
2. Strategies for identifying each funder’s “theory of philanthropy.”
3. PCCF’s vision for supporting community change through our annual We Will grant program.