Craft Your Draft! A Working Group Follow-up to May's Conversation with the Board

In our May event, we had A Conversation with the Board. The panel discussion was a big hit, and it brought up a lot of questions about policies and procedures, from strategic planning to job descriptions to finances and SOPs.
On August 22, we'll address those questions and more -- together -- in working groups, helping you draft whatever documents you've been working on (or have been dreading working on!). We have a nonprofit community that's rich in talent, experience, and heart; let's lean into that, and support each other in the good work that we do. Join us for this facilitated, four-hour morning working session, and get those policies, bylaws, or job descriptions off your plate.
Mary Anne says, "Bring your computers and your documents! During this session, we'll help you craft your draft documents in real time, and you'll have the benefit of bouncing your ideas off others and helping them clarify theirs. Documents may include, but are not limited to, by-laws, board member job descriptions, executive director job descriptions, and financial policies." Mary Anne will bring her wireless printer, so you can actually walk out with work product in hand!
Please note that this is a MORNING event. We want to meet while those creative juices are flowing! There'll be light snacks and coffee starting at 9:00 am and a light lunch provided around noon as we're wrapping up. Since we're providing food, a head count would be helpful, so please click on the button above to sign up.